Spring Valley

Spring Valley is a village in the state's southwestern portion, in Greene County, in the Caesar Creek section. It was built on a slope rising from the banks of the Little Miami River, benefiting from many natural springs in the area. It was founded in 1844 and was at the crossroads of two early transportation routes, the Cincinnati-Xenia Pike and the Little Miami Railroad, which allowed it to become established as an agricultural marketing and processing center for the area.

After his home was destroyed by fire, George Barrett built a house to survive another disaster. An article Barrett read by O.S. Fowler in New York described a new building material that used gravel, sand, and lime. Cement was a less expensive and more time-efficient construction material than brick. Unable to get help from a mason, Barrett gathered the material and built the house himself. Completed in 1853, the house was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1986.

Waypoint Type
Point of Interest